I'll never forget the day I thought my "brakes were shot" (the exact words I used to describe my dilemma) as I was driving to work one morning. At every stop light, I would jerk back and forth trying to get a hold of my car and make it brake, but it would slowly creep forward and never come to a complete stop. Terrified of running into someone's car, I rushed over to Pitstop so that Vitally, the Owner, could check out my car.
He was able to see me immediately and took my keys so that he could give it a test spin. Upon returning, he informed me that NOTHING, indeed, was wrong with my brakes. I was like, "What?! No way!" like a total Valley girl. "Umm...you had your floor mats covering your brakes, therefore blocking your feet from having complete access to braking," he explained.
Talk about embarrassment! I still laugh about it anytime I'm in for an oil change. Needless to say, he never took advantage of the situation and kindly moved my floor mats down to their proper place.
He's the only Mechanic I trust to give me a fair price and fair evaluation. I highly recommend him and his team to fix your car, especially if you're a woman. If you're like me and have zero interest and zero knowledge on auto parts, then Pitstop is a great place to go for peace of mind. They won't screw you over and if it's a super, easy fix, they've been known to take care of it free of charge. I've been going to him for years!