What an excellent find. Driving around endlessly does have its perks sometimes. This is probably one of the smallest, yet well organized thrift stores I have ever been to. This place is only about four aisles wide. But man, does it ever have a great selection of merchandise.
For the space, they have everything covered in here. From clothing to furniture, tools to artwork, and kitchen items to jewelry. Surprisingly, this isn't low quality items. They probably have some of the most top notched, low priced items I have seen in a thrift store.
I would say browsing here wouldn't take you so long since it is so well organized, but it will. That's how much stuff they have to look through. When you do find an item you want, make sure to check the tag's color. Different tags indicate different percentages off of an item (don't worry, there are signs to clue you in). Also, if it's any more possible to be an amazing store, they have a clearance rack...yes, maybe this is inception, thrift store style. Savings inside of savings.