Sunday: I go online to check about visiting the DMV, and I'm able to book an appointment for Tuesday at noon. Great!
12:02: I show up to the appointment 2 minutes late. They could have said "sorry, wait in line", but they serviced me. Before I could even get to my seat, my number was called. Amazing!
12:15: I get through the Driver's License application just fine. Time to process the title. Oh crap, I left my current registration in my car. "That's OK, I'll put you 15 minutes back in line and you can go get it".
12:30: I'm back from the parking spot far away from the entrance. I haven't been called yet. I check my status on my phone; 60 people ahead of me. WHAT?! Rather than complain or inquire. I head out to lunch.
1:00 After 30 minutes of eating, I check my status, and the line is down to 51. Great this is going slow. 3 hours of waiting. Guess I'll head back home and wait until I'm closer to the top.
1:15 I get a message saying "We're ready to serve you!" I drive to the DMV, which I'm 10 minutes from.
1:20 The DMV cancels my appointment. Sigh. Should have never left.
Thankfully, because their online appointment system is awesome, I was able to book another one for tomorrow.
Frustrating, but nowhere near as bad as California.