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I am not quite sure how this establishment racked up so many positive reviews. Though I have not scrolled through and read many of the previous reviews, I am wondering if the vast majority of reviewers were commenting on other services (than the ones I purchased). In a nutshell, this was my 2nd time receiving a botox treatment. My first time receiving botox it was done in a dermatology office.However, a friend recommended Adv Aesthetics to me and after calling to get some pricing I decided to give them a try. Note that I was only having this done bc I was maid of honor in my sisters wedding and these services (though I wish I could maintain them on a reg basis,my budget prevents me from doing so). The first time I received botox (NOT at this office) I could not move my forehead AT ALL. No wrinkle was visible at all, including in between my eyes. However at AA, after my treatment, I still can see and make manylines in my forehead and still can make a scowling face. To me, this should NOT happen. Though it is better, I do not feel I should be able to see ANY or not nearly as many as I am seeing just after having this done. Additionally, I wanted to have my smile lines filled. However, they told me a "mid face filler" would be better for me. They said not one but TWO syringes. I never had this done before and did not know what to expect. I was a little apprehensive because 2 syringes PLUS my botox was costing me over $1k. Yes, it was a lot but I was curios to see the difference and wanted to look my best at my sisters wedding. They completed the service and the tech kept telling me how much better it looked though I did not see a difference. I felt this was my first mistake. I allowed them to get in my head and conviince me there was a difference when there was no obvious improvement. A few days later I called to express my concern. They told me to wait a few more days and if still no improvement on the filler, come back in. So I did. They looked and acknowledged there was an imbalance from my left and right side and told me they would fix it as well as add more botox to take care of the lines in between my eyes. Again, they told me it was a great improvement, but this time the tech was much more rushed than my previous visit. Also, and this was my SECOND big mistake, when the tech left the room to get "samples" to fix the previous mistake, they came back in with syringes that were drawn in another room. They did not OPEN any package/box in front of me. I left the SECOND time now assuming there would be an improvement. However, AGAIN, there was no noticeable difference. I would have gone back AGAIN but I fly out to my sisters wedding, and honestly, after going back a second time and feeling like I was being over dramatic and doubting their services, I just let go of it. Wrong of me? Possibly. To me, I just decided I would NEVER go back here and hopefully help save some other first timer from going here. Save your money, spend a little more and go to a dermatologist. I literally threw almost $1100 down the drain. If you ask me, they "water down" their product. There should be NO WAY I should still be able to scrunch my forehead or scowl my eyes just 3 weeks after I had botox done and my lines around my mouth are COMPLETELY 100 percent the same. What is embarrassing is when you brag to your friends and coworkers that your getting it done and then they ask you when your getting it done (when it was ALREADY"done"). Please don't make the same mistake I did. GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!