Attended the U2 concert here. The stadium itself is nice, but not the best place for a concert, especially one with such a grand set-up and special effects. Bono explained that with this tour, they're going for "intimacy on a grand scale." The intimacy was definitely missing at this venue! Since that element was a conscious effort on the band's part, imagine a show where that wasn't the intention -- you'd feel even farther away from the performers.
It sorta felt like the venue was competing with, rather than supporting, the music. From the first drumbeat on, I was overwhelmed with a feeling of wanting to shut out the stadium itself and focus on the music. Could have been a lot worse -- could have been better. Was confused and bummed at the images on the 360 screen during "City of Blinding Lights" and "Unforgettable Fire" (ohmigod -- to hear that live -- never would I have dreamed!) -- could have been so beautiful, but something was wrong. It's possible that the place was too lit up for the images to be clear on the screen, or there was some sort of malfunction. I don't know.
The bathroom lines were ridiculous, but the facilities were clean. I do have one thing to say: don't block the sinks for everyone else just to primp! Witness the crowds behind you! Wash your hands and then, use your own mirror; I see one in your hands with your face powder. I know you want to look gorgeous for the guys on stage, but your pores are NOT going to be visible from where you're standing. Sheesh. I totally relate to being worked up for these performers but I also need to use the sink.
Didn't visit any concessions so can't comment on those. Overall, staff were great and concert-goers were pretty polite, but then, I wasn't on the Floor where the crazy general admission mosh was going on. Heard later that there were a lot of mean drunks. Whassup, aren't U2 fans supposed to be more humane than average? I guess people are people...
We had 17th row, on Adam's side of the stage. That meant we saw very little of Edge except what was on the screen. He took a walk once or twice down our catwalk, but it's never enough!
A great show, just o.k. venue.