Update 8/7/2014: My wife and I are moving out today, and there were a couple things on my mind that I wanted to update before I forgot. The grounds are still as beautiful as ever, and the apartments are nice. We never saw any bugs in our apartment. I do, however, have a couple of gripes about this place. Despite having a higher price tag, the average tenant seems to be somewhat trashy. Our neighbors left their trash outside on multiple occasions without walking it to dumpster 30 yards away. I don't know if they ever got a message that that wasn't acceptable, but they did it all the time, and it would often sit for 24-48 hours before being moved. Our other neighbors seemingly had a really large family, and they were extremely loud. I didn't think this place had noise issues, but if you have neighbors that shout to each other from floor to floor, you can hear everything. You can also hear babies crying. Another complaint that I have is that these apartments are 100% electric, meaning that your electric bill is astronomical between laundy, heating, cooling, and lights. During the summer, our average electric bill was about $100, and we were never home during the days. We would put the apartment at about 80 degrees when we left during the day and would turn all the lights off. We were very conscious about leaving lights on and being efficient with the air conditioning, but it was still very pricey. Another complaint is the carpet. The carpet here is junk. It stains EXTREMELY easily. If you step on the carpet with a shoe, you will have likely soiled the carpet. It's rough, hurts the skin, and is the cheapest thing you have ever seen. Lastly, I hate the way that the tenants here behave. For example, I find it odd that despite having garages attached to every unit, people here still park in the visitor parking around the complex. There is NEVER available parking for visitors when they wanted to visit. Visitors had to start parking in the HOA parking lot, but the tenants were told that cars would be towed if that happened. So the people with garages full of crap that parked their cars outside were taking all of the spaces, and there were literally no spaces available for tenants. This is a recurring issue, and as far as I am aware, it has gone completely unaddressed. Also, some people have dogs and let those dogs bark on their patios for a couple of hours before letting them back in the house. I've also heard a group of teenagers skateboarding and talking/laughing loudly on the walkway between units numerous times.
The system in place here is really terrible for paying rent. They charge you for paying with a check, and basically any other method accept for through their online system. Their online system is fine, except that rent is due promptly on the first of the month. The reason this is a problem is because it's impossible to pay rent early because they don't tell you what your rent payment is (rent + water and HOA) until either the day before or the same day. There have been a couple of times that I wanted to pay rent early because of our pay cycle or whatever, but haven't been able to.
Lastly, I was a little peeved when moving out today because we are getting charged for something that we didn't do to the apartment, and specifically asked be written down on the day that we moved in. There was a chip in the counter top that my wife quickly noticed (dark counters, chip is bright white) and told the person going through the apartment with us to write down on the list. There were a lot of things in the apartment that we wanted to be extremely meticulous with when we performed the walkthrough, so shame on us for not double checking every single thing on the list before we signed the paper. Again, a lot of the tenants are pretty trashy and could care less about someone else's property, so be very mindful when you are walking through and moving in. For the most part, the staff take really good care of the apartments. It's a shame that they refuse to negotiate with us because we have left the apartment in meticulous condition and left them beaming reviews on multiple sites at a time when they were getting flooded with negative reviews. They aren't maliciously trying to attack us, but they certainly are unwilling to work with us or exercise sound judgment when reviewing our case.