"Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves." Matthew 7:15
We arrived to this church for the first-time today and were shocked by the false prophecies and false charismatic healing. They had Lou Engle for a talk who has called many false prophecies yet pastor, Paul Goulet, called a prophet.
The entire service was like the new-age, Toronto healing controversies (Benny Hinn, etc) which get people moving in very in-human ways to "heal" them of life-long diseases. People moved in in-human ways and some looked as they were about to faint. People without shoes danced, spoke in tongues, and wept (some crying very loudly). Many non-Christians are quick to call churches cult-like, but this "Holy Spirit Conference" was very cult-like (experienced from a veteran Christian).