Once an efficient and reliable shop, Sheni's has hired apathetic and unqualified workers who couldn't care less about the vehicles they service. I used to go here often, spending quite a bit of money. Often, the diagnosis would be wrong. They'd let me pay and then drive off, only for me to find that the problem is still occurring and forcing me to turn right around. This happened more than once. I was also sold horribly marked up garbage parts like FK suspension that would leak and break particularly with the awful adjustments done--I never even wanted coilovers! This was long before I knew anything about automotive repair. Now I know better.
It's tough to say what the real problem is. Poor business ethics, horrible judgements, lack of training. I don't know. Sheni himself seems like an upstanding guy, and his son is also an enthusiast and great to deal with. I think the problem lies in the help they hire.