It is still a myth that there is a good Kosher deli in Charlotte. This place is a joke. We arrived for lunch and there were exactly 2 people in the place eating. We asked to sit near the near the window and the "hostess" took 10 minutes to find the cleaner to clean the table. We ordered Dr. Brown sodas and the cans were dropped on the table with no straws and no glasses. we asked and we received. Then we waited and waited and waited. NO SERVICE. There was no waiter/waitress on duty. Some young man arrived and with his winter coat still on, took an order from the last people to arrive, not us, who were first. We went to find a server and the owner came out and said, "I've only slept 3 hours in 2 days! I've lost $70,000 this year!!! Do you want to see my tax returns?!! Five times as many people came in for dinner last night!!!" He followed us out into the parking lot, ranting and raving about how bad things were! He also said, "We try to give the Jewish people around here something." I'm not Jewish and I'm sure it was obvious to him. Thanks for the biased remark!
Hey, if you're not ready to serve the public (all the public - not just the Jews) then don't open for business. Say instead, "I am sorry, we cannot serve you at this time because we are not prepared. " The guy was a loony tune to say the least -crazy at best.
Like I said, this place is a JOKE. Too bad, because I drove 40 minutes and was in the mood for a big corned beef sandwich. One thing I know, I will never, never, never, have to come here again!