"YOU MISUNDERSTOOD WHAT WE MEANT!! THERE IS A FEE FOR FOLLOWUP!! /\/\/\/\-- Same thing as VW. I read the review and went, figured if I got them to confirm actual costs a few times I wouldn't get zapped.
WRONG. I went, got Logan checked out, bought $150 worth of meds and services, Vet assured me that "She won't charge for the 30 day checkup- it's a WEIGHT CHECK"
Went in 28 days later to weigh him (on my own) confirmed AGAIN that the checkup I was scheduled for 2 days later was FREE
Went in for actual scheduled checkup, walked out since there was supposedly no charge, got a call saying I skipped out on $24.95. I said I confirmed 3x the follow was supposed to be no charge and they pulled the "well that was WEIGHT check, for looking in his ears it's $24.95"
Not in the context of the first 3 conversations and confirmations I had.
Oh well, guess it's time for another Vet. Hate that "billing mistake" crap and I'm not gonna subject myself to it.
PS -- am I off or when was the last time you had the VET ask for your SSN#?
If you guys at the ARK are reading this, all that info is bogus, I'm not giving you my SSN and personal info. My credit cards and cash are all you need. Sorry, but that's not your business to know.
EDIT: Answer to Becky below: Becky, asking for my SSN isn't for "identification"- it's so you can blackmail and threaten customers with collections and ruined credit if they don't pay those sudden follow up fees you promised were free...
Nice try tho.