This is some low quality place, the barista guys walk around like zombies the place is always dirty and the staff is more busy on talking then make the customers feel comfortable. I was there the other day trying to buy my coffee, I said hi, nothing 3 barista guys just ignored me, oh no, they heard me, just ignored me, actually turn their head to the other side just not to see me and say hi. I am not sure what kind of service it is or who told them that's the way to treat people but that is so shady, just low quality of almost anything! Eventually a guy came, I felt like he is doing me a favor taking my order! No hi, no hello nothing, with a sharp voice he asked "what I can get you?" This is starbucks from Hell, of course to top it all there was no milk, and asking for milk took long because apparently it is more important to talk to your Colleagues then get milk for your client. I can swear they just took their time on purpose! Just a weird place really, they are not nice, cocky and careless about the customers opinion. Maybe starbucks just don't care about us anymore, after all we made them feel like no matter what they do we will drink their drinks and pay the price, but maybe the price is too high??? Too bad that you couldn't even be nice to make my morning reasonable and instead you just made it less! I'll never hi starbucks ppl again!