*** Oct 30, 2012 - be sure to check out the filtered reviews. It seems that the filtering has weeded out most of the negative reviews like my own.
My boyfriend purhcased a $150 gift certificate (non-refundable) for me for Christmas.
I was very excited about going because I had heard rave reviews, but when I went, I had the most frustrating experience and I don't want to step foot in the store again.
The first time I went in I almost picked up a pair of $80 flannelette pjs. The print was awesome, but I worked in textiles for 5 years and I can tell you that the cost of the fabric and construction likely didn't exceed $5 to produce the pjs. I now wish I had purchased the overpriced pjs.
The second time I went in they had 3 bras around $100 in a size that would have to be altered to fit me but also wouldn't have any matching panties or garters. They had one $92 garter in black which didn't match any of the bras but could have passed for matching (almost), but it would have cost me $50+ above and beyond the $150. They also had a white garter that was in the correct price range but with no matching bra. I also tried on a body suit that I was really excited about, but it looked ghastly.
When I asked when they'd be getting stock in, the woman told me that they might get 4 pieces one day, 2 pieces the week after but she doesn't know what's coming in or when. She told me to just keep coming back!!!
Even then, she said it's very likely that they won't have any 30C's coming in and if they do they won't have matching pieces. I asked her what good is a $150 gift certificate is if they have no stock for petite women. I also asked her why this wasn't explained to my boyfriend before he spent the non-refundable $150. I really don't know what to do with it now and she had no answer for me. It's non-refundable and I'm not going to spend $100 on a bra that doesn't fit properly and has no matching accessories. On top of that, what am I going to do with the remaining $50 if I did buy a bra? Buy one pair of panties? I feel that if someone is charging $100+ for a bra, it bloody well better fit perfectly and should have matching accessories.
As for the fitting, anyone can google the simple instructions and watch a video on how to fit a bra and learn more from the video than this store will teach you. It took about 2 minutes for the sisters to fit me with 2 pinches of the underwire, and scooping my boobs into the cups. I was told that the straps had to sit firmly, but not pinch, that where the cups meet in the center, should sit firmly at the base of my cleavage, and that there should be no overspillage from the cups. C'est tout. It was a pretty underwhelming experience and I can't say I learned anything I didn't already know.
Why pay top $ to do this at a place where the service is lacking and so is the stock?