So this show is now at the Riviera Casino. The theater is clean and feels small. We sat in the booth in the back half of the theater and had a great view of the stage. The ushers were wonderful as well as the rest of the stage crew. However the show, was not enjoyable.
My 4 year old and I acquired free tickets through an employee, so I'm not sure what the price range is for the show, but I sure am glad we didn't have to pay for the tickets. Dirk does a lot of small time bits. "Look at me shred the paper and put it back together.", "Look at my dancing scarves.", "Look at my somewhat attractive dancers.", but it really is the tigers that make up for the show. They are beautiful creatures that are given limited stage presence and then immediately walked off. We didn't even really get to see the black panther. Granted, my daughter LOVED it. She didn't care about his crappy magic tricks. She was just in aw. That's why she wanted to talk to him after the show.
Here's the kicker. He was so abrupt and quick with my timid and shy daughter. He took no time after the show to personalize with her about how much she loved the big cats. She asked if she could touch Frosty (the white tiger), and he immediately responds with a dry and somewhat crude "Yeah we don't do that." and turned away. Not noticing my daughter start to tear up. One of the dancers actually tried to make it better for her, but all my daughter could say was, "He's mean, mommy. Why didn't he want to talk to me?" As she see's him personalizing with all other viewers. Ten points for you "Dick" Arthur and crapping on my kids night.
2 stars for the crew and the big cats. No stars for you Dirk Arthur.