It has taken me some time to write this because of the emotional roller coaster I've been on. My 19 y.o. was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and it has widely spread to her lymph nodes. (Dr Nasri removed 39 and 20 came back positive for cancer). I want to write so much! but I'll spare y'all my long story and get to the part that matters to yelp. She was stage 4. One of the lymph nodes was sitting on her Vagas nerve. 20 of them up and down her vocal cords. The scar should have been atrocious, but it isn't. She could've lost her voice, but she didn't. She could've lost movement in her right shoulder.
Dr Nasri performed a 6 hour long surgery, kept her nerves intact, preserved her vocal cords, didn't have to sever her jugular.
I've seen other peoples scar from "simple" thyroidectomy and my baby girls scar is "prettier". I count my blessings that my daughter was referred to him!!
I don't have words to describe the gratefulness my daughter, my family, and I have towards Dr Nasri. I'll never be able to repay him. He will forever be in my prayers to bless.
Dr. Nasri doesn't just cut you open, he is precise with the knife and consciousness that you will have to live with the scar.
My hope for him is that God continues to bless his hands and his talent so that he may-in turn- continue to practice and save lives, vocal cords, jugulars, etc!