DO NOT purchase a home from Bonterra, there are so many things wrong I don't know where to begin, they did really crappy concrete work and tried to say it was "typical" concrete work ( I work in construction, I know what it's supposed to look like). They have gone through 3 superintendents in a matter of 8 months, all have promised me over and over that work would get complete and never did. I've had to call and email over and over to get someone to respond. The punch list we had when I closed on the house should of been completed, the last month before we closed I went to the house everyday and only once was someone working on it. Then when I was promised in writing that everything would be complete in 30 days, it took them about 6 month. I'm still waiting for one item in particular to be complete and it been almost a year. This isn't everything but enough to get the idea that you do not want to do business with them