Kennywood - an Ode to my younger days.
I grew up going to Kennywood. Each Summer, we spent a few days going out and enjoying a day at Kennywood. Potato Patch fries were a must have! These were back in the days of $20 admission for the whole day, The Steel Phantom, and the Turnpike, and I even remember when the Exterminator opened!. Ahh... those were the days when we had so much fun!
Except now they aren't. I haven't been to Kennywood in YEARS. I always wanted to take my husband here, and show him the amazing amusement park I frequented as a kid. We love amusement parks, so when we finally got a chance to go, we jumped on it.
Years ago, tickets were $20 for the day. we paid around $150 for 4 people, and that was their discounted price online! I was so excited though, I couldn't wait to ride all sorts of rides with my daughter... I was especially looking forward to the turnpike as it was such a staple in my childhood. We walk through the gates, and to my horror, discover that they built a roller coaster in the turnpike's place. this new coaster takes a picture, but the photo booth wasn't working that day! I was pretty disappointed in that. We decided we were going to continue on after riding, and came to garfield's nightmare. The last time I rode this, this ride was air conditioned. It's super hot outside, so we figure, 'why not cool off a bit'. Well, on a sweltering hot day, it doesn't help when there ISN'T any air conditioning when you are on a boat, floating SLOWLY through a building. They took a picture on this ride and we were able to purchase their all day picture pass. What this basically does is you don't have to pay for any other pictures the rest of the day. The problem is they charged me twice for it. (I did eventually get a refund, but I was told this happens pretty often.)
The Jack Rabbit, Racer, and Thunderbolt are all exactly as I remember, which was great for the nostalgic side of me. I didn't get to eat any potato patch fries, so I was a bit sad.
We decided to go over to the Exterminator, as again, it's pretty hot, and the last time I rode this, there was air conditioning inside the building as you wait for the ride. It is LONG GONE, the air conditioning, that is. They had a door propped open in order to keep air flowing, but it was HOT. After that, we were pretty much done, and disappointed.
As much as I loved Kennywood as a kid, as an adult, it isn't what it was. The prices are way too high for a small park like this. it is more cost effective to go to Cedar Point or King's Island for the day as opposed to Kennywood, and both parks are at least 3 times the size of Kennywood.
Goodbye Kennywood, you'll forever have a place in my heart, but I doubt I'll ever return.