It was a bucket list place and I finally got to cross it off.
I really can't get into how great it is. I originally had about 300+ photos posted on Yelp of the RnR HoF, but I reduced it to 200. Gotta save some memories for when y'all actually go.
It's just.. magical. I don't know how else to explain it. So much history, so much nostalgia. I was literally expecting to drop down $50, but the cost was around $20 for everything. $20 for a time machine ride. That's crazy good. Look at a few of the pictures posted just to see how good it truly is.
Just remember, you can take pictures, but no flash. I got in trouble a few times. ^_^'
The food wasn't all that great. Sorry, but the tots were burnt at the bottom, greasy, and dry... How can something be greasy and dry at the same time? You know what happens when you put something like pasta in the microwave and it fuses together into a brick? That's what happened to my tots. AND I WANTED FRIED CHICKEN AND THEY WERE OUT OF IT! I had my mouth ready for that, too.
Museum food is never good. Ever. The Dr. Pepper was good, but that's not thanks to the museum. Huhuhu~ I went to the gift shop to buy presents for my family. Got my aunt and uncle some mugs and shot glasses at a good price. I totally forgot what I got my parents, but I think I bought a cap and a shirt for my dad and something else for my mom... I know what I DIDN'T get my mom; this really pretty scarf that was $120. Nope. Not happening. The total of everything I bought was under $100, so no. Sorry, mom.
Go to this place at least once a year. I'm serious. Go once a year, but bring your own lunch.