Dr Liang performed cataract surgery with IOL implant on me in February 2014. The day after my surgical procedure I complained to Dr Hart that I was seeing a dark elliptical shadow in my vision. I was told to not worry that it would probably go away in time. I went back several times over the following 8 months and saw Dr Hart, APRN Gerry Reyrao, Dr Ruben Salinas Garcia at their Craig Road office. Each time I complained about the shadow in my vision on the surgery eye and FINALLY after 8 months I reconnected with Dr Liang. She informed me that this problem was fairly common in the procedure I had and her patients just learned to live with it. She said "THERE WAS NOTHING MORE SHE COULD DO FOR ME". I began to research this issue online and found that the probable cause of my impairment was a lens improperly placed and/or a lens too small for the pupil. A corrective procedure was available by removing the problematic lens and replacing it in the proper location BUT this procedure should have been done within 90 days of the first surgery for the best results. I reached out to the senior surgeon at Shepherd Eye Center, Dr Hansen who took the time to carefully research my vision impairment and evaluate my case completely. He performed a surgery to replace the problematic lens in March 2015 and I have no more issues with the elliptical shadow. BEWARE OF DR. LIANG and her ASSOCATES as they were NOT TRUTHFULL AND FORTHCOMING in this PATIENTS CARE!!!