Picking someone up from the airport, hungry for a snack, and very parched .....STARBUCKS! There it is in terminal 1 baggage claim at McCarran. Waiting in line, glaring into the glass case of typical Starbucks fare. In a day dream, a voice over powers the thoughts of what I'm going to choose, " excuse me sir, we don't have anything in that case." And just like that I snapped out of it, almost as if my hopes and dreams came crashing down on me. But no big deal, I wouldn't be waiting long to go get food elsewhere.
Finally, after the 3 people ahead of me had ordered, it was my turn! A grande iced green tea with sweetener. And there it was again, that voice, "sorry we do not have any iced drinks..."
So at this point I just accept defeat, put my card away into my wallet and carry on to carousel 15. But now I'm perplexed.
-Do you not have any iced drinks because you do not have ice?
-Was it maybe the time of night?
-Do you ever make iced drinks?
-Is all the food in the glass case I got lost in fake?
(Rhetorical of course).
I guess I was just "hangry", and let down by the glimmering green mermaid on the sign.