I could have sworn I wrote a review on this place but I guess not. This is the best place to come for sex toys, stripper wear, kinky stuff, someone I know went to a diff store in town for sex toys, and I was like you should have went to this place, I love that they are open 24-7, dancers get I think 20 percent off if they show there sheriffs card. I have came here before and cleaned house, lol and now I have a life time discount chip, it's like a poker chip looking coin and I get 25 percent off whenever I come here. One of the lady's who works here gave it to me one time, when I spent a bunch of money, I may have a little of a shiny ball syndrome, and I thought it could only be used one time, but when I gave it to the lady checking me out for the 1st time, she said no you keep it. So I guess it's like a life time membership. Yay! this is the only place in Las Vegas I go to for my stripper clothing, and sex toys. I admit I go to "red shoes" for stripper heels cause they have more of a selection and I only get one shoe now and they are the only ones who have it, that I have seen. Sometimes I try out a new pair of shoes but I'm picky on the shoes I buy and red shoes has mostly only shoes. Plus the owner is nice.