There was a time when I enjoyed searching for treasure here, but lately, every visit to Value Village has been so disappointing. The main issue is the price points. Even if I do find something great, I can't justify spending $39.99 for a weird knick knack that I could get at a garage sale for $5... or the side of the road for free. I saw a tacky, worn frame that was marked at $275... what even?
You find a lot of dollar store items in here marked up beyond their regular price, and old Ikea furniture that they're trying to sell higher than regular price.. and they don't even have meatballs here!
This location does seem to fare better in the kitchenware department than others. I say this mostly as the kitchenware usually doesn't have food caked on it still and there's no smell of rancid cheese like the St. Clair location has.
It's really a shame because I want to buy second hand as much as possible, but the combination of poor quality wares and inflated prices rules this place out.