You guys are killing me.
What's with all the minus points for "shipping stuff in daily" crap? Yelpers, I am going to enlighten you. Almost everything you ate today was not grown within 100 miles of Toronto. That coffee you drank in the morning? The FRUIT that you ate? Meat, seafood, etc. Does that mean bananas aren't fresh? No, of course not. Milk Bar receives a DAILY shipment from New York of goods. This is not a real reason to dock them points. Food exporting and importing is a very well regulated and important process in our lovely varied-diet lives.
Now onto the complaints about the size of the store. Also, kind of insane to me - it's small, yup. It's not meant to be a dine-in restaurant, it's a retail space, part of a bigger chain, so it's really as big as it needs to be. The reason there isn't ice cream or any of the other New York treats you might be able to get is because of the shipment issues, so the store doesn't need to be a full size.
And finally, price. Brand named desserts are expensive. Godiva chocolates, Lindt chocolates, Magnum bars, Dufflet -- Hell, have you ever bought a macron? Those babies are $2 each and half of a bite. I think the price is reasonable given the name brand and the notoriety. It didn't seem that insanely priced.
So now I will speak to the notoriety. Obviously, everyone here went in with REALLY HIGH expectations because of the Momofuku brand. I was lucky enough, thanks to all of the reviews I read, to have the opposite experience -- I went in with the LOWEST POSSIBLE EXPECTATIONS. And, just as your high expectations ruined your experience, perhaps my low expectations bettered mine. I tried two kinds of cookies (fyi - they are really good frozen!) and had some crack pie, which I really liked. The hours of operation (1130 am - 11 pm) are really nice. Do I ever need to buy desserts on a regular basis? No. Would I try other items from Milk Bar? Yes, I would.