I realize many people will only see a small portion of this on their Iphones and tablets. First of all they are very unprofessional. They do not back the products they sale. They do not check id no matter how young a person appears. They allow very strange individuals in the shop to sit for very long periods of time. They are often out of the products you want and also at times do not have the ability to allow you to sample flavors.
I have been there a total of 5 times each time i was less impressed than the other. While there i have heard streams of profanity discussion of drugs and ecigarettes. I have been shocked to see them not back their "life time warranty" not once but 2 times. The people that congregate in the shop make me want to hold onto my wallet tight.
I went there today with my friend. We arrived at 10am when they open and the person did not arrive until 1030 He bought a 100 dollar k-100 mod. We left and within a few minutes he realized part of it was broken. I was not really worried as it was only less than a half hour old. I called them getting a voice message, and I called again and informed them of the broken part. We arrived 5 hours later we showed them the part they insisted he broke it. took pliers to it, I was shocked I was told it was none of my business to back away while he continued to to explain why they would not fix or replace the now 5 hour K-100. I walked forward again and told them that he did nothing but tried to add oil. I did use the F word and at this i was told there were many children playing in the Vapor shop who were also watching a pg 13 movie on the TV and i was told to leave. Funny as i did he told me not to let the door hit me in the a$$. These are semi thugs are bad for the industry and i swear they seem like they are on either herion or onycontin. Save your money don't patronize the pompous arrogant goofs. AT the LIARS LAYER. I will speak to someone about the sales to nicotine to minors.