A place with over 300 reviews, a favorite of many people on Yelp and I finally make my first visit? I know, right? I need to get out more. I have wanted to go to Fez for a while to see what all the fuss is about, but had not yet made the effort. To be honest, I stumbled onto it quite by accident. Arriving at Urban Yoga more than 2 hours prior to my massage appointment, I needed to kill some time, so I turned to my handy Yelp mobile application. When I saw Fez was only a few blocks away, I had to walk down and give it a try.
I wasn't sure what to expect. With all of the positive things said about Fez, would it live up to the hype? Maybe it was an urban legend? I remember Ebony K. and Gabi M. talking about sweet potato fries, so I knew I had to try those! Walking in, it was early and not that busy. The bar was about 3/4 full, but the dining area was mostly empty. One thing I read in many Yelp and food critic reviews was the bold marriage of flavors of the food. The first indication was the table itself - a bold orange table with stark white plates and white linen napkins.
Looking over the drink menu I ordered a Sam Adams Cherry Wheat Ale. This is a good beer with a subtle cherry flavor. I tried on previously in the Atlanta airport at Sam Adams and commented it was good, but at $7.50 was a bit too high - Fez had it for $3. Yeah, baby!
The menu was packed with many good sounding choices, but going to yoga soon I brought shouldn't have anything too heavy - my Yelp app indicated there was an April customer appreciation special: tomato basil bisque with grilled cheese on Texas toast for $6.50. Yes, please. And of course the cinnamon dusted sweet potato fries. When it arrived I the server presented it with a side of apricot aolie sauce...I couldn't tell you what apricot aolie sauce was going in, and if it were something to order on the menu I would have passed it over, but I am so glad it came with the fries. It was incredible and had an excellent flavor. Definitely worth the $4.95 for the basket - and I could only finish half.
All in all, my bill was $17 - for a beer, the fries, soup and sandwich. When the check arrived I felt like the guy on the Staples commercial "THAT'S A LOW PRICE!" I was definitely pleased with my first (and won't be my last) experience with Fez.