I bought a package for this studio on Team Buy(first sign it might not work out.) The "studio" ends up being in an office building right below the walk-in-clinic I visited for my last UTI. (TMI?) I already feel lost, and uncomfortable trying to find the right door, and when I finally enter the place, the staff are very rude. There is a change room, but NO lockers. Clearly I love my iPhone(oh yah, and my wallet.) I feel uneasy about just leaving my stuff unattended. The yoga "studio" has the ceilings of my grade four classroom, and it's carpeted. Gross. Carpet in a hot yoga studio CANNOT be sanitary. And the kicker? I had an empty coffee cup, and when I went to throw it out, the instructor/owner asked me if I had been drinking coffee. I said, "Yes." Then she said that coffee drinkers aren't allowed in her class, because her class if full of "very powerful exhales," and the toxins from the coffee that I blow out will offend EVERYONE in class. She told me to leave and come back another time. I was humiliated. That lady made me feel shame for drinking coffee, and as you can tell from me mentioning UTI's, I have real things to feel shame for. I'm never going back here.