Cashiers are nice, but there is not enough of them. It's like standing in line at The DMV sometimes, which is one of the reasons why I seldom go in there. And their sales?! Usually out of stock and God
Forbid you ask for any samples. Customer service in the higher end makeup department is terrible, they walk right by you and don't even ask if you need help, or if they are "actually" helping a customer, I guess it is too much to say" I will be right with you"
The other day I was repeatedly ignored and the 3 that weren't doing anything were in a group talking about whatever. Obviously a customer was not their main concern. I was in a buying mood, but this happens so often I left the store and this time I will
NEVER be back
Ulta REALLY needs to do something about how unprofessional these women are.
One more tip, do not walk down the middle aisle when the stylists are getting off, because they walk in groups of three and if you are walking towards them they will not politely move over, it is like you are invisible, actually that's the way everyone treats you in there. The only person that ever has acknowledged me in a friendly way is Security, he should give the others a lesson on customer service.