I used to really enjoy the salads... The last few, however, have been awful. Pretty sure this is how they make them: 1) take a head of iceberg lettuce and chop the entire thing 2) take the really nasty thick white pieces that nobody in their right mind would EVER think of eating, and toss them in the bottom of the bowl 3) cover up said nasty pieces with a few pieces of fresh, green, healthy leafy greens 4) further bury the nasty stuff with a few other toppings 5) sell it at over $6 6) hope that since the purchaser pours a good dose of ranch on it, they won't notice the white stuff buried underneath - surely that's just the ranch that made it look so nasty.
Tonight's was the worst. You litereally could see how they layered the white junk on the bottom and the green stuff on top. Half edible, but totally lame.