A month ago I opened a student account with this bank, I am a full time college student and I work part time on the weekends - I get paid cash and had been thinking it would be nice to have an option for a debit card so I wouldn't have to carry money with me at all times. The student account here was free so I decided to go ahead and get an account.
On 8/29 I opened the account and put in 60$, a week later I received the debit card and logged in to my account to activate it, and found that someone wrote a check for over 1,000 dollars on my account on the 29th(hit my account on the 2nd). A check on an account I hadn't even been given checks for yet!
I went in and closed my account that same day, and the teller gave me my money back and told me that the check was a counter check printed out there at the branch when I opened the account, but for some unknown reason was never given. She looked and said she did not find anything else pending on the account, put a fraud alert on my information and closed the account. I was mad that this would have happened, but figured that the worst was over. Far from the end of this story.
Two weeks later on 9/19 I got a letter from the bank about a loan "I" had taken out. The loan was denied because it was not enough money for the bank to be willing to cover, but now we go back the teller having told me the account had been locked down.
I went in to find out what was going on, and the same teller who closed the account told me that it was a loan for overdraft protection. I told her I did not get the overdraft protection because the woman who opened my account had told me that since I have no employer name to file under or direct deposit I couldn't apply for it.
The teller then says that that isn't true and that it is free with the student account. A "free" loan? What?
I now have no idea what else is coming my way and because of this bank's allowing an identity thief to work there I had to put out fraud alerts on my credit reports and sign up for lifelock.
Thanks so much U.S. Bank; two things I never had to do before I dealt with you.