I go inside to ask a lady who was not busy and just sitting at her desk all by herself if the notary is in today? " I'll make you an appt at 3:30 or 4:30" I took the latter. I get home and she calls me. "Can you come in now or in an hour" I say " I'm bathing my grandson now. I'll come in at 1:30" I show up at my appt. it's her! She's the notary! Now I like honesty! She should have invited me to possibly "sit in the lobby and wait until I have a free moment". And introduced herself as the notary and say "I should be freed up shortly and I can help you say thirty forty minutes? "That would've been the honest trained way to deal with someone yes? Oh no! She pretends she just makes appts. For the notary whoever that is.....Instead she plays manipulating games with me to make me run all over back and forth then call me? WOW! and waste my time and gas in my car. Who trains these people anyway on treating people properly? I did tell her that "next time just invite someone to wait for u. " I said to Bibiana Cuellar " I don't like games!"