I've been here twice in the last few weeks and both were pleasant experiences.
The store is almost "too clean" for a Ross store. Everything is so orderly and new feeling, even if its been around for a little bit. Part of the fun in going to most Ross stores (for me, anyways) is digging through the crap on the shelves to find a good deal. Well, this place has everything lined up and no digging's required. I was almost disappointed, haha.
The first of my most recent visits I came in search of new kitchen glasses and found a box of 30 (missing 2!) for only $5.00. Hello, savings!! I again saw the stuffy Loss Prevention lady, but this time, she wasn't hassling anyone (other than to tell them they couldn't take the cart outside until after she'd seen them load their bags & head for hte door). She even smiled at me this time! What a turnaround!
My second visit lately, she wasn't there.The store was just as clean, but unfortunately we didn't find what we came for. Instead, we found something better! Well, my boyfriend found something for his mom ("something" having made it on to the list of "What to get Mom for Mother's Day" so I guess he actually succeeded). I found a make up kit on sale for $4.49 and can't wait to use it.
We had a friendly cashier who may have been the same one from my other recent visit.