It seems we've all heard of this concept by now where you paint with friends while enjoying a glass (or two) of wine. I attended a friends birthday party on Friday where we all got to paint together. Pinot's Palette has two rooms. Their main room can is an eclectic group of people based on single reservations. They also have a party room. I arrived a little early for the party and was the first to check in. The woman looked at me like I had 3 heads when I told her my name and that I was there for the party. Finally she figured out that I was there for the private room. My first impression of the place was not top notch. Once inside the party room our instructor was wonderful. I wish I remembered her name because she was very sweet snd helpful. She instructed us to set out stations up and lead us to the bar. This was by far the worst bar service I've experienced. The owner was running the bar and there were two women being helped ahead of my friend and me. They were taking an extremely long time to get their orders. Once we were being helped I understood why. She didn't have the correct wine cooled ahead of time. My friend ordered a glass of Pinot Grigio and she actually asked if she wanted to blend the end of two bottles together for her. I'm no wine expert but really?? Mix two different brands of wine in one glass is crazy to ask a customer. Anyway the service was lack luster at best. We still had a nice time with friends and celebrated a great birthday. I'm a little leery if a painting place like this has the longevity for the location. Time will tell!