I am writing this to help: hoping they will change some policies, not out of spite. I've never been treated so terribly and I've been getting mental health care for over 15 years in 3 states with/without insurance. I've never had them cancel an appointment on me before or been surrounded by such an imprudent, unconcerned attitude. My therapist is great, the staff is practically worthless. I've gone over a week without medication multiple times because of their mistakes and scheduling policies. They limit bridges of medication even though it is their understaffed office and impossible scheduling policies that leave us without, this is immoral. I've not gotten a medication appointment in time of running out 75% of the time in the last year. It keeps getting worse! It's absolutely cruel to prescribe us these very addictive medications, although life saving, and make it impossible to have fair access to them as we suffer through withdrawal. I am considering starting a petition to change their scheduling policies and try to contact those in charge but if they refuse to treat me with respect I will be changing providers. They take advantage of us because we are on government insurance and that is wrong. They're always understaffed. Research the reviews left by patients and former staff before choosing this place. I have never experienced such an inept and uncaring office ever, regardless of my insurance status.