They paid around 50 million dollars for the new square. It is nice. I will never forget one of my first winter's as a child in Public Square during the Christmas holiday time. We just moved here from New Jersey. My father, mother, brother and I walked out of Tower City onto the sidewalk. A crazed man yelled "I don't care if I land my ass in jail!" My dad called him Stickman since he was wielding a big stick from a tree. My dad would quote Stickman throughout his life. As a 34 year old man I can finally say that I don't care if I land my ass in jail either. I have been through enough in life where it does not scare me.
I miss the times in Public Square when it was more like American Gladiators gauntlet and to make it out from one side to the other, you needed to be asked for change from an army of bums. That is the Cleveland that I love.