We started our adventure into sharing a house with cats without a plan - we found a stray in a park area (actually she found us) and the rest, as they say, is history.
I asked some friends and neighbors for recommendations and many pointed us to Dr. Joe Farkas at Belvoir Pet Hospital. And I have recommended him to others. He stays on top of the latest research and trends, and offers good advice and care. Most of the support staff are also very good.
Our first adoptee was difficult from day one. Her adopted brother learned her habits and added some of his own (and based on his reactions to things I believe he was probably abused). They have forgotten their roots and are very finicky, and difficult, and despite me lecturing them on the way, they are not happy to go there. He treats both of them appropriately and kindly, and all three of us with respect.
Dr. Farkas is patient, proactive without panicking, conservative when needed, and a little more relaxed about options when appropriate. He always answers all my questions, takes the time to discuss options, and I never feel he is rushing me.
18 years and many visits later, he is still our vet!