This time of the year, this event can be a great experience, it can be an "ok" experience, or it can be a bad experience. I've had all three!
You just have to really think it through before you decide to go... Who are you going with and is it appropriate in your relationship(s) to go? Is it going to be cold and will I be dressed for the occasion? Do I have the right shoes? If needed, will it be ok to snuggle with the person you go with?
The bad: So, let's talk about my first time a few years ago - I decided to setup a blind first date with dinner and heading to the garden after. What could go wrong? We could talk for hours on the phone and so I thought it would be a great first date! I was dead wrong! Meeting someone face to face is very different than talking on the phone and when the chemistry isn't there during dinner, how could you possibly have fun walking in a dark lit garden that screams "hold her hand and kiss her, you fool" all over it?! The thought frightened me. I loved the garden - but I wasn't thrilled with who I was with so we ended the date short.
The great: The next time I decided to go was on a date with a boyfriend I dated for several weeks. This time, everything was perfect! The garden was romantic and picturesque. Chihuly was featured at the time and it was beautiful! I swear - it was one of the best first dates with someone that already gave me butterflies. Maybe even "I love yous" were exchanged.
The okay: So...a few years later, this boyfriend I speak of above is now my husband and I thought it would be a great idea to celebrate our marriage by going to the luminarias again to reminisce. Let me tell you...This time was nothing like the first time! Learn from us: don't ruin a great memory by trying to do it over again because this time, it was cold and windy, most of the luminarias were blown out and it was so dark, you couldn't see anything! My husband tried to navigate and here's me: "We went this way already! You're walking in circles!" Him: "No, I'm not!" Me: "Yes, you are!" Once we realized we were bantering over something silly, we laughed and decided to just go home to get warm. I guess that's what marriage does to a relationship.