Ok, so this place deserves an amazing rating! I'm a bit of a snob, I used to be a trained chef... But this place blew my mind! For quite a while, I saw this place pop up but never tried it. Today- we decided to.
The menu was very enticing, being current enough to pique interest without being pretentious, and the prices incredibly reasonable! The woman I spoke to on the phone was very kind and helpful. My husband and I basically ordered everything and the price was amazingly cheap!
When I ordered the beef tacos for only $9 she asked me how I would prefer my filet to be cooked! I didn't know how to answer that! It came home to me as an amazingly cooked filet with the toppings as any quality place would do.
Last but not least, my crabby husband said he made a last minute request of extra dressing and the server was very accommodating. This place officially ticked all of the boxes for me! I will have to go through the entire menu before going anywhere else to eat!!! Thank you guys!!!!