My daughter attended preschool, here a few years ago. She was attending The goddard preschool in Gilbert, but when I received a brochure in the mail about the school I scheduled a visit and absolutely fell in love with the school. The amenities are nothing short of perfect, they have an imagination island, an outdoor garden exhibit, A science room, a media room and sooo much more. My personal favorite was the yellow brick road and music playing while walking to the classrooms. My daughter always seemed happy when we picked her up. I will admit the front desk girls did seem a little caddy, but I never paid it any mind, because I just thought they were young minded and as long as they treated my child great it did not matter to me. I also loved that I could see my daughter in the front lobby via a camera in her classroom prior to walking back there. So it always made me feel like the staff had to be on their best behavior because they were being monitored. From what I can remember there was only one teacher in the preschool at a time room. I also will admit that I was a high maintenance parents, I always called frequently to check on my daughter periodically through out the day to see how she was doing. Also when she first started I was a little hesitant to let her try the lunch because at her previous preschool we always packed a lunch for her, they accommodated her lunch being packed for the first couple of days until she got the hang of things. Unfortunately we moved to a different state and she was no longer able to attend this preschool, I now live in Southern California and sure wish we had a preschool comparable to this one! I felt like the tuition was priced appropriately considering there were so many wonderful amenities!