Breath of fresh air. Like many of the reviewers here, OneGuard home warranties sent Stellar Home Services to my house to check out my water heater. The owner Paul called to schedule the appointment and the next day a very clean cut gentleman showed up at my house. The issue I had was I noticed that the pan under the water heater had some water in it. He checked every inch of the water heater and was unable to locate where the water was coming from. He left asking that I watch the pan and see if it happens again and they will plan on replacing the water heater just to play it safe.
About five days later the same gentleman returns and checks the water heater again unable to locate the issue (he was confident that their was not an issue with the water heater). I appreciate that. For any company this would have been a super way to make a buck by swapping my heater as the warranty company was covering the costs. I think that this shows the ethics of a company not doing work just to do work. On the flip side, I sure do hope he is correct, if my house floods due to my water heater, rest assured I will be giving Stellar a call and letting all the fine people on Yelp know. Until then, I will be referring my friends and family to Stellar as they are an ethical company who appears to have the customers best interest. I can't speak to their pricing although it seems to be quite fair based on other Yelpers experience.