Twister, a fantastic movie showing the true power of mother nature along with the splendid acting of Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton. Who can forget the moment they survived an F5 tornado due to the sturdiness of a belt. I am 99% positive leather belt sales skyrocketed in the tornado alley region that year.
Who knew that the sometimes dastardly mother nature was also able to make an appearance within Pittsburgh itself? The Church Brew Works is a twister of dark Belgian flavors and delicious edibles making for a destructive good time in ones taste buds.
Like the dark clouds rolling in during a storm, the Church Brew Works has dim lighting which really works with it's church like atmosphere.
Last evening I tried the southwest wrap which really was a cyclone of flavor that dances along the roof of your mouth and slides into your stomach to make a splash of satisfaction. The sweet potato fries refuse to be bullied by its larger counterpart, the cyclone and make a bold statement of sweet goodness that will in fact explode on ones tongue as it creates fireworks of sensational prowess (Yes I said prowess).
But alas I bring you to the beer. The decision was made to try the seasonal due to the festivities that are afoot with Christmas. The Biere De Noel is a lightning storm of electric charged bolts that will pierce through the frowns of any person to find them joy despite their Grinch like nature. The only issue with this storm of a beer is that you will want more than you should have. A designated driver is recommended on this twister of a tale my friends.
In conclusion, twister is a great movie but more more importantly The Church Brew Works is the sequel. That is all.