Considering Lowe's HQ is up the road here in Mooresville, this should be the Taj Mahal of Lowe's stores. It's clean and decent, but in just never impressed and it is impossible to find floor help when I'm there. On my last visit, the guy in the windows section was an ass. Yes, an ass. I looked for help for about 5 minutes, found two workers walking away from us in windows and I chased them down asking, "excuse me, are you able to help me with something?" One of them turned around and said, very coldly, "he can't help you, what do you need? He's not a window guy, I am..." Huh? I didn't need a window guy, I just needed A/ANY guy... I replied smartly, "well that's just fine bc if you are just a window guy then you can't help me. I just wanted to ask him where I'd find a vent cover." The second guy jumped in with a warm and apologetic smile before escorting me to the store section I needed. He apologized when I complained about the "ass window guy" and seemed to agree. Overall, I'd like more people available to help me find something when I need it, and the mean guy in windows should not be working with customers.