Cheaper than a cab? Check. About half the price.
Faster than a cab? Check. Shows up in minutes, as opposed to 45 mins - 2 hrs (and maybe not at all)
Cleaner than a cab? Check. These are people's personal vehicles, so they're absent of puke (and Zeus knows what else) stains/smells.
Safer than a cab? Check. Lyft's rating system makes for accountability. Cabs lack this and act like creeps, without any consequence. Plus you see a picture of your driver long before he/she shows up, so you know you're not going to get a sea pirate or homeless looking guy as your driver.
Friendlier than a cab? Check. They offer you a bottle of water, a charger for your phone, a seat up front, your choice of music, choice of navigation, and sometimes gum or snacks. When's the last time a cab offered these things?
More convenient than a cab? Check. You simply tap a button and a driver shows up minutes later. No calling dispatch and/or wondering where the hell your driver is (you see him moving toward you on the app). Plus you pay over the phone whenever is convenient, so no worrying about if the drivers only accepts cash or cards etc. etc.
So the question is, "With Lyft around, why the hell would anyone in their right mind still take a cab?!"