A good friend recommended this place and even though I am no fan of meatless meat substitute...aka...highly processed tofu....meat vegetarian restaurants? Yeah, something like that. I never really understood the rationale behind making stuff taste like something that it's not but hey all I care about is if it just tastes good. Now, only if something can make kale taste like butter I would gladly truckloads of this stuff :D
I really don't know what I am eating to be honest even though I really know it's just all tofu or soy protein and a lot of vegetables. However, whatever it was meant to be did not matter because this stuff is delicious. While I wouldn't say this stuff has gotten me thinking about becoming a vegetarian anytime soon, it certainly has made tofu quite oddly delicious.
This stuff kinda tastes like the real thing (a bit frightening)...except it's not. Shrimp is... kinda shrimpy. Chicken...is kinda chicken-like and mystery meat is...well meaty. It's the preparations that I am raving about. Everything seems to be cooked to perfection and tastes kinda like the real thing.
Price wise is fair but the portions are out of whacked! Way too big! So order less than what you would normally order.
Oh yeah, avoid the Lemon Chicken; a bunch of yellow, soggy, balls of flour.