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I went to Dr.Moschonas after having a horrible experience with another neurologist (Gary Reese). I immediately liked him! He was friendly and made jokes. He listened to me and ordered all the tests possible to confirm a previous diagnosis of MS. We got the test results and decided on Copaxone for treatment. The first few years went by and everything was great. Then suddenly I would go to my appointments with him only to find out I was seeing one of the several PA's he went through. I was told that because I was an established patient that I would be seeing him one visit then the PA the next and so on back and forth. Well that never happened. I just kept seeing her until I requested an appointment with him. I had been going down hill for a few months and had brought with me a list of concerns I wanted to address. I finally see him and as soon as I pull out my note pad he gets this "oh here we go!" Look on his face. Let me also note that during the majority of the appointment he was typing in the computer. Not even looking at me. Just typing and clearly he isn't typing what I am saying to him. So I sarcastically say "are you paying attention?" Mind you we had developed a very unconventional relationship which was based on a lot of sarcasm and tit for tat jokes. I digress.. So he looks at me and says "I'm adding your information into the computer" they had just switched to computer charting. So the whole time I was talking about the issues I was having, he was just transcribing my chart! So I ask him what he thinks about my problems and he sarcastically says "you know you have MS right?" I said "ya, so are you telling me to just buck up and there isn't anything you can do for me?" And he says "yes". By now the haha funny back and forth has gotten real old. I was having some serious issues and could hardly do my job anymore. He just kept blowing off all the things I was saying. I told him that it's fine if he can't do anything but I wanted him to at least document what I was saying so there was a paper trail. It just got to the point where he wasn't doing anything about my issues and I was just showing up, paying him, getting a pat on the head and sent on my way. Oh and God help you if you are having an urgent issue and need to call and speak to him. NOT GONNA HAPPEN! The receptionist takes the note and puts it up on a board. And whenever he happens to see it is when he decides what to do with it. Which all too often was nothing! I would call and call and still nothing. I had one particularly bad pain issue on a Friday. I called once in the morning when they opened because I knew they would need time to figure out how to help me. Nothing.... Call back at 12:30....nothing. Call at 2:30 and now I'm aggravated. I tell the receptionist that I really need to talk to him so he can help me before the end of the day. Especially if he was going to write me a new script. I needed time to get down there and to a pharmacy. That's when I was told about the pin it up on the board and he sees it when he sees it policy. I said "can't you just catch him and say hey, you have a patient that urgently needs to speak to you. She has called a few times and needs to talk to you BEFORE the end of the day" that didn't sound crazy to me. SHE WOULDNT DO IT! and guess what? HE NEVER CALLED ME! I went all weekend in bed bawling my eyes out in pain. In fact he only ever called me back one time in all the 8 years I was his patient. When Monday came his PA called me and all but accused me of being a junkie! Needless to say I got a referral to a pain specialist. I finally have a doctor who listens to me, helps me, and treats me with respect. Dr. M is a great doctor if your 50+. Anyone under that just gets treated like some annoying child to be dismissed at will.