Best car wash on the East Side. Hands Down. Don't bother with the other ones. This is the only machine wash that gets rid of brake dust, and doesn't leave water spots on the glass. I went to spray glass cleaner on the windshield when I was done, and it came out completely clean. That has never happened before at and car wash.
Also worth nothing, the vacuums only cost 50 cents and have excellent power. The owner clearly maintains his equipment...most other places charge $1 for a vacuum (e.g. Ultimate Wash), and those are always clogged, and have no power. Book of five washes is a good deal, at $35.
Only possible way to improve this place is if they had a car mat interior shampoo station in the back where the vacuums are. But next time I plan to use a carpet spray foam that lifts and dries the stains, then vacuum it out.