Located in Mandalay Bay, how can I not love a bar that specializes in 200+ vodka drinks. Try one of their flights to experience a broad new prospective on the clear-colored liquid.
A huge statue of Lenin dominates the doorway, as well as the USSR hammer and sickle on the tiled floor. The interior can best be described as dark, with lots of red and lots of ice. In fact, part of the bar is a frozen block of ice lit underneath in red. Great for keeping the drinks cold long after they've been poured.
Going along with the themed decor, the food selection includes several types of caviar, along with blini, Chicken Kiev, and Stroganoff.
Atmosphere is laid back and casual. Everyone is dressed from jeans to dresses depending on where they're coming from or planning to go to after. I wouldn't call this a destination to go out of ones way for, but as a definite worthwhile go-between on the way to somewhere else.