Since my nephew turned 21 this year, I thought I'd have someone to go with to OMNIA!
Alas...He's such a shy guy. He just wanted to hang out with my cousin and learn how to gamble. Arggg!
Perhaps it's a good thing that we didn't try to go to OMNIA in April. I didn't know the ins and outs of getting in...
Luckily, my friend, Van D., introduced me to her promoter, Derek, and we got on the list so we were in a shorter line. Thanks, Boo!
Derek texted me and warned us that it would be crowded on a Saturday night. Doors open at 10:30pm, so Tim, Craig, and I aimed to be there before that. Derek said he'd be there between 9:30-10pm... good tip!
Knowing that OMNIA is located inside Caesar's Palace on the Strip (with lots of traffic), we planned quite well. We chose free self-parking and found a Directory. Maneuvering through the casino was okay. If you know Tim and Craig - you know it's never a dull moment. ..hahaha!
We knew we needed to dress up a bit and I thought we looked okay, but the guys at the front of the line shined their flashlights on Craig's $150 Nikes and suggested that he get a $15 pair of shoes at H&M. Whaaat? (I think I paid less than $30 for my shoes!) I was ready to leave, but the guys told the workers that we weren't going to stay long because we just wanted to look around. So...we were allowed in. We zig zagged through the line as if we were going to a Disneyland ride! Almost!
After a while, we got to the beginning of the line, showed our IDs, and got a hand stamp. They looked in my purse and wanded Tim. Wow. ..good security! Then we went to the cashier (Gals get in free before 1am and guys get in free before midnight) and got another hand stamp!
Finally, we entered. .. ahhh! This place is really spacious! Just imagine how many people it would take to get this club crowded is mind boggling. We walked up some stairs, found other bars and restrooms, then found a hallway where mirrors showed reflections of little cascading spots flowing down and around from our silhouettes. Amazing. The changing light colors and patterns on the dance floors were entertaining, too. Finding the way out was another adventure!
This was a cool experience and my curiosity is cured for now. I might forget the waiting in line part (uhg) and go again because I usually have a fun time wherever I go with my friends! We need to find the rooftop next! !!