Customer service sux...and that's a nice way of putting it. Rude and unhelpful, uninterested management with the ever-so-obvious "we could care less about you 'cause there's always another with $$ next in line" attitude. Oh, and don't even try to use your VIP card - folks....they give you one and tell you all you need to do is just hand it over at checkout with your purchases to earn reward points. However, when you try to redeem?? You will be informed by some smug twenty-something, on an $8.50-an-hour power trip, that you need to activate it online in order to use it. And this, folks, is something YOU should have had a crystal ball and known beforehand. Because it makes total sense, right?! Give a customer a rewards card, swipe it, send them on their way....then expect that they'll think they have to activate it online? WHY EVEN BOTHER? If you want to make it a challenge or try to screw people out of the rewards they earn then JUST DON'T OFFER A CARD!
Oh, and when you do go online to activate the card??? And place an order with Get ready to be charged TWICE, have two of the same orders show up at your home, and then have the entire debacle blamed on you - the customer! Yeah - living the dream! They send me and order TWICE, charge my debit card $150 TWICE, then try to claim I am at fault? REALLY?? You know, in all my years of online shopping, funny how this has never happened with any other company; I never received two order confirmations....or shipping confirmations....yet, this is my fault. It could never be something they did, right?! So, more aggravation Lego Co. Now I have to waste time tracing shipments and wondering when the hell they are going to refund the money they pretty much stole from my debit account. They sure take it quick enough, though.
I spend a lot of money on Legos. I was planning on going to their theme park this summer. I think my plans will change. It is very clear that this company isn't hurting for money and they aren't afraid to show it to you: the customer....they could care less about complaints, their careless errors or their customer's in know, why should they?! - there's always another person with $$ standing in line. Poor way to execute a business: anger enough people, do it enough times and you just may find a "store closing" sign on your shop and your clients shopping Amazon or Target....or perhaps your smugness as a CS rep will land you on a layoff line after your irreverence comes back to bite you on the butt after your product sales slow.
Yeah - maybe one doesn't matter...but, judging by how I've been treated by this company, I suspect I'm not the only one....probably one of many.