No idea how this got to be a 4 star, with all the other options in the area. I could see it if it was the only Korean restaurant in some small town, but this is Koreatown, there are better options all around.
Service was fine, no problem there.
Sweet and sour pork was overcooked, wrapped in way too thick batter, sauce tasted of nothing but sugar. Food court quality. For close to 20 bucks for the dish, this is a hard no.
Side dishes were low in number and average in quality. We got 4 in total, 2 of the 4 were just kimchi (one unfermented, one fermented), then you had a marinated potato dish and a tofu. Meh.
Soon tofu stew was average - I found it oddly sour in flavour, not much in the way of veggies in it.