What everyone says about "customer service" is spot on here. I am really quite disappointed that the support staff and their many issues are what is undoubtedly going to force me to find a new neurologist for my daughter...
* lack of response to all of the messages I left that were about concerning symptoms my daughter was experiencing...Apparently the Dr never got the message about my daughter's symptoms, even though I called each day for 3 days in a row.
* days and days of waiting for the call from the office staff to schedule an EEG, then a lack of response when I called to find out why they still havent called me to schedule it;
* a promise of paperwork being ready as a "doctor's note" for her school that I needed, (which took a week to hear back about, and once again, repeated messages) only to have it not completed on the day after it was promised. They had me sit in their office for 40 mins and still had nothing for me. They were utterly useless with helping me to get something...anything...else that I could use. They seriously just sat there. The drive over and back, with the wait, took 1 1/2 hours out of my morning.
* very little gets accomplished unless you actually have an appt and are speaking to the doctor face to face, or unless you owe them...you won't be called back and seen until your $30 copay is paid immediately...wish I could put them off with that for all the times they ignored me