Conn's Yes money is a fraud, its not a credit account it's rent to own.. Also the sales people are not trained, customer services lies to you to get you off the phone, they gave me the run around for months and the fridge, washer, and dryer went bad, they didn't honor the warranty until the week before it expired! that was 3 months after I originally called them and advised them the appliances were not working properly. Every time I requested a contract, they sent me the wrong documents... I few days late making my last payment on the account and they tacked on 800 in interest on my account. I was told they would reverse it, then I got a letter after I paid the requested amount to reverse the interest that they would not reverse it.
The name "Conn's" suites them well... DO NOT EVEN GO IN THERE, its a trap and they are targeting middle class families, and your stuck ones your in. Read the contract, their are so many extra fees. I bought a couch for 1300 and some how spent over 1800 on it.. my sister explained to me the reason they MAKE you get renters insurance or property insurance on the item is because it's rent to own not credit. Becareful..